Redesigning Californias government teacher credentialing website

UX Design Prototyping Figma

Project Overview:

The project I'm presenting is the redesign of the California government teacher credentialing website. This website is crucial for educators in the state as it serves as the primary platform for obtaining and managing teaching credentials. Essentially, there are 4 main things you can do on the website which are:

The original website pictured below was confusing to navigate, so I created icons for easier navigation and better visibility.

Introduction Page:

The CTC website overwhelms users with information on the introduction page, making it challenging to discern what is truly important. There is a lack of information hierarchy, and the call-to-action button is misplaced, violating Jakob's Law of internet user experience.

To address this, I implemented a clear information hierarchy system and designed the CTA according to WCAG standards. These changes make the page easier to scan for important information, enhancing overall usability and accessibility.

Document Details:

The document details page is difficult to scan, with confusingly highlighted sections and poorly placed buttons. The layout makes it challenging for users to find the information they need quickly. To address these issues, I designed an easily scannable container that consolidates all the important information and made the email button much more intuitive to use.

Clickable Prototype

Key Takeaways

I chose to redesign this website because, while searching for a design role, I decided to become a substitute teacher to make ends meet and stay connected with my passion for education. During this process, I encountered significant challenges with the existing website. The application process was incredibly difficult, confusing, and felt inaccessible to many aspiring educators. This inspired me to take on the task of redesigning the website to ensure that the application process is straightforward, user-friendly, and accessible for all users